Pumping test analysis is one of the most hydrogeological urgent problems facing hydrogeologists to discover reliable values for hydrological formation. The current study included the use of pumping test data wells (B7-3) done by a Yugoslavian company (Consortium), where this well penetrated each of the Dammam Formation and Umm Er Radhuma Formation in Ain –Tamer area west of Iraq. The type aquifer of the study area has been considered as a confined aquifer regarding the geological situation. The AQTESOLV v4.5 program has been used to simulate the pumping test data of this well, Barker, Cooper-Jacob, Hantush, Murdoch, Papadopulos -Cooper, and Theis-Hantush methods which are used to calculate the hydraulic properties of this aquifer. The results show that each of the Papa-Cooper and Theis-Hantush methods present the same value for transmissivity and storativity of the aquifer, (0.016 m2/sec) & (0.2) respectively. While the Cooper-Jacob method gave values for aquiver properties higher relatively. Also, each of Barker and Murdoch’s methods offered different values for specific storage, 0.006 m-1, and 0.06 m-1 respectively. As well both methods had different values for Kx. The results prove that the pumping test methods have to apply carefully in the case of identifying the hydrogeological parameters of aquifers.##plugins.themes.plusTwo.displayStats.downloads##