Four outcrop samples of Shiranish and Sinjar Formations in Kersi basin on the northern limb of Sinjar Anticline were chosen. These samples are composed of marl, calci marl and dolomitic limestone, in addition to four soil samples were taken from a neighbouring sites. The study dealt with the effect of weathering on the samples using diluted oxalic acid (0.01M), and the study of the hydrologic activity of Kersi basin using morphometric analysis. The results showed that there is a linear conformal course for both calcium and iron released from the soil with their equivalent, which are released from the rocks. This was confirmed statistically by a significant correlation coefficient, while magnesium, sodium potassium and manganese do not show neither linear conformal course, nor a significant correlation coefficient between the release of these elements from soil and rocks. Also, the results of morphometric analysis from the shape of hypsometric curve showed that kersi basin is regarded as hydrologically immature basin which means that weathering was active and is related directly to erosion factors occurring in this basin.##plugins.themes.plusTwo.displayStats.downloads##