ABSTRACT The research includes subsurface study of Lower part of Fat'ha Formation (productive zone) at Mishraq sulphur field, northern Iraq, before the process of sulphur extraction. The study included the determination of geoelectrical parameters of the zone by mean of analyses to the records of normal resistivity log (N″64) of 41 boreholes distributed in the area recorded before sulphur extraction. Comparison between the maps elaborated from the geoelectrical parameters and the maps of lithological variables was carried out to find their relationships using statistical analysis. The study indicated a clear relationship between geoelectrical parameters and structural faults, Data analysis of the resistivity maps show that the dominant factors in the behavior of the geoelectrical parameters of the productive zone is the bituminous content and the transmissivity value, and show no significant effect of sulphur content on the geoelectrical parameters.##plugins.themes.plusTwo.displayStats.downloads##