The present study describes the sucessions of the Burdigalian stage, which includes: Euphrates, Dhiban Formations and intervening of Serikagne Formation with Euphrates Formation. Numerous microfacies are identified, based on different criteria. The microfacies of Euphrates Formation are: algal lime mudstone - wackestone, algal lime wackestone - packstone, lime packstone-grainstone, oolitic lime grainstone, and planktonic foraminiferal lime mudstone which represent the intercalation of Serikagne Formation with Euphrates Formation. The microfacies of Dhiban Formation are: lime mudstone, miliolidal lime grainstone and anhydrite lithofacies. On the basic of their properties and other sedimentary and biological features, the depositional environments are inferred. These contain a spectrum of depositional sites from outer lagoon to supratidal environments.##plugins.themes.plusTwo.displayStats.downloads##